Life happens. Things get in the way. Covered by Grace Home Solutions wants to help unfortunate circumstances that have an impact on your ability to keep up with owning your home.

We have a resource of cash buyers currently on hand and ready to financially free you from your real estate obligations. Our group of partners will buy your home with cash before it hits foreclosure which will alleviate a huge impact to your credit. And better yet, even with a large past due [mortgage] balance, we can ensure that you benefit with money in your pocket that can be used for moving costs and expenses.

Please reach out to us if you are trying to find the most appropriate solution to your real estate misfortune. We have additional options that we can provide as a resource to you as well.

No matter what your current situation, CBG Home Solutions is here for you! We can get your house closed in as little as 10-14 days!

Life situations that we provide financial assistance for:

            And More!!

[This is NOT a loan. We will pay your past due and cost of the home, which allows you the ability to walk away financially free.]

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