Life has a way of pleasantly surprising you when you least expect it! 

Can you imagine the fact that you once had a rough patch in your life, but all along  God was setting you up for grace and abundance years later?? Well this is now an absolute reality!! Thousands of dollars when you've LEAST expected it and could probably use it the most! That's nothing but God's plan. ♥️

I absolutely LOVE the opportunity to reunite clients with life changing amounts of money. If you've received correspondence from me, it's already been confirmed that there is more than $10,000 sitting in an escrow for you RIGHT now!! In some cases I've seen as high as $400,000!! 

There are a few steps to complete and the money will arrive within an estimated 30-60 days (timeline differs depending on any name changes or heir / estate scenarios). There are 0 upfront costs and nothing comes out of pocket. You will walk away basking in God's grace. 

I look forward to working with you. I am here to provide. Let me help add a smile to your face and additional cash to your bank account! 

With Love & Favor,

Shendi of Covered by Grace